How Are We Doing
Speeding – as a result of the recent petition there are now improvements to the road markings around the village, an example being the high visibility 30mph road signs.
Litter – DMBC now collect litter from the length of Grange Lane including Abbes Walk plus a monthly street cleaning by DMBC is now in place.
Litter pickers 2013
The Pinfold
Pinfold – clearing, maintaining, re-building stone walls in order to preserve an original and historic village amenity.
War Memorial – cleaning, providing and re-laying paving around the Memorial and adding stone troughs with floral displays.

Playing Field – improvement to fencing and an additional entrance. The Playing Field is inspected once a week for cleanliness and safety and a contract now in place for ground maintenance.
Poor’s Field – rent from the Poor’s Field provided Christmas Dinner in the Burghwallis for senior citizens of the village.

Web Site – to improve interaction with members of the Parish we have developed a parish web site with the intention of keeping all members informed of any developments.