Home / Meetings / Parish Council Meeting Minutes – Tuesday 25th June 2024

Parish Council Meeting Minutes – Tuesday 25th June 2024


In Attendance:                                   Chairman                    D Maxwell

                                               Councillor                    B Grimes

                                               Councillor                    J Wilson

                                               Clerk                           J Halsall

Conservative candidate in attendance – Glen Blouff

Chairman’s opening remarks and Declarations of interest.

The Resignation of Councillor Mrs McIlroy from the Parish Council has been received with immediate effect.

  1. Apologies for absence

Councillor S Slack

RESOLVED Accepted due to work commitments

  • Minutes of the meeting held on 14th May 2024

RESOLVED that the minutes be signed. 

  • Matters arising from the minutes.
  • Repairs to the War memorial & Notice board are waiting to be completed.
  • Fly tipping is still a problem in the area.  Councillor Grimes does a regular litter pick on areas of the village and reports any large fly tipping.
  • Financial Matters

400459 £65 Annual Audit fee

400460 £360 Website fees

400461 £300 Transfer to Playing field account for maintenance fees

Bank Statement & accounts reconciliation circulated.

RESOLVED that the accounts be approved, cheques and bank statement signed.

New bank mandates to be completed for update on signatures.

  • Planning

Nothing to report.

Neighbourhood plan was discussed, with regards to renewal dates on the plan they are 2016 to 2028

  • Correspondence

Community Engagement Meeting – Councillor Maxwell reported nothing new raised, still issues with quad bikes and circulated the leaflet for the next meeting.  Councillor Grimes would attend the next meeting.

  • Website

Clerk reported ongoing issues with the site not being very user friendly.  Few issues of loading documents were also a problem.

RESOLVED to contact the website people and report issues

  • Next Meeting

The next meeting to be held at The Burghwallis Public House commencing at 7pm.

Tuesday 6th August 2024

Tuesday 17th September 2024

Tuesday 29th October 2024

Tuesday 10th December 2024

There being no other business the meeting closed at 8pm.

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