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Intensive Pig Rearing Unit

A number of people have been a little confused about the ‘stink’ raised over the planning application to build a pig rearing unit adjacent to Squirrel Wood campsite. This is an intensive rearing unit, in which young pigs are rapidly fattened for slaughter. This type of operation has been banned by many overseas governments.

The aim of the operation is to “grow” pigs at an abnormal rate causing significant distress to the animals as a consequence. You can see an independent review of these units by having a look a report introduced by Jeremy Irons by clicking here:- The Top 5 Terrible Truths About UK Pig Farming That Need to be Told. Warning you may never again be able to eat cheap bacon. Imagine such a unit being in operation right next to Squirrel Wood, the home of outdoor scouting camps for decades, and more than likely having to close if the pig unit is built.

Burghwallis Parish Council is completely opposed to the possibility of such a unit being built and operated in the village, and is supportive of all the efforts being made by individuals and residents generally to prevent planning permission being granted for such an operation.

There is a growing list of “objectors” on the DMBC Planning portal, including some very technical reports about the environmental (amongst other things) consequences of the establishment and operation of an intensive rearing unit, to say nothing of the increase in heavy lorries transporting the pigs in and out, as well as all the ancillary materials required or generated by such an operation.

Last weekend, a number of residents lobbied the parents of scouts who spent last weekend at Squirrel Wood, and at least 150 of them have now registered objections as they value the site and the opportunities it represents for their children.

There was also exposure on Radio Sheffield’s Toby Foster show last Friday, with one of our villagers in the studio and excerpts played from two other residents who were interviewed in preparation for the broadcast.

Snouts Out! The fight goes on!

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