Recently The Abbé’s Walk was closed for three days. But why? A competition held as to the cause of the closure met with an overwhelming response approaching absolutely nowt. Clearly there was intrigue afoot but too many Easter Eggs perhaps stifled the entry.
Many had hoped the closure marked the onset of this year’s DMBC’s budget and some black stuff would be chucked about with abandon into the many ruts and potholes. However some astute residents were equally concerned any improvement to the road surface would entice the speed nuts to increase their slipstream and rip along like silly people.
Alas no black stuff arrived, and our pot holes still blink wide-eyed at the sky. And the culprit for the closure? – BT who ploughed in a phone/broadband cable along the verge from Sutton Road to end in an inspection manhole outside Masserella’s farm. What a let down, unless you are someone getting hooked up to modern communications technology at last.