A sign appeared last weekend at the far end of The Abbé’s Walk

Usually, in these circumstances, we are advised by DMBC of road closures, informing us of the reason why, the duration, any properties affected, and alternative routes, but this time – nothing! We can only speculate!
The optimists among us hope that the road is going to be resurfaced, which would be only the second time in this correspondent’s memory going back 35 years.
There may be other reasons, such as re-routing one of the watercourses, or the installation of some new pipework, or underground cables. Who knows? Answers on a postcard, please. No prizes for the correct answer.
On a positive note the efforts of the ‘litterpickin’ team who are to gather the trash along The Abbé’s Walk on 9th April will remain in place for at least 5 days whilst the road is closed. Yeah I know, wishful thinking!
And it’s great to see the almost correct road sign featured in the picture! The Abbé’s Walk complete with apostrophe, but alas no French acute accent over the ’e’.