Frequent fliers on this site will know that we spend a lot of time and effort in keeping our village tidy and presentable for residents and visitors alike. We organise several litter pick events thoughout the year and are pleased to be taking part in this year’s Great British Spring Clean event. This nationwide clean up has so far attracted 450,000 volunteers. Burghwallis is being registered as part of the scheme so you too can lend a hand in this massive campaign.

Officially the event is scheduled to take place between 20th March and 13th April, but, being independent minded Yorkshire folk, we have decided to set our own date! Not only is the weather likely to be a tad warmer then, but it gives the bogans more time to dump stuff for us to pick up!
We will be out and about with our litter picking tools and hi-vis vests on Saturday 25th April. We will meet in The Burghwallis Pub car park at 10 am, whence we will be despatched to various parts of the village to rummage amongst the daffodils etc to see what we can unearth.
All newcomers would be welcome. All we ask is that, if you don’t already posses a litter picker and/or a hi vis vest, please contact Brenda Grimes (01302 727186) or Dave Maxwell (07766 055012) so that we can make sure we have sufficient for the day. Collection sacks will be provided, but you have to bring your own boots!!